Thursday, December 24, 2020

Public Universities vs Private Universities



Regarding universities, universities in Indonesia are divided into two, namely public universities and private universities. In Indonesia, the issue of “Which is better, public or private universities?” Is often discussed. In fact, if you look at it, it is the same between the two universities, both have the same goal to learn, to deepen the knowledge they learned while in school. Often many high school graduates face a dilemma to choose the best college for them. It is not uncommon for people to believe that Public Universities is definitely better than Private Universities. This cannot be denied because in fact many private universities are only a reserve where they continue their education. But is this always the case?

The public view that Public Universities is better than Private Universities is not entirely correct. The reason why they choose Public Universities is because they hope that the opportunity to get a job in the future is greater than Private Universities. Even though in fact that is not the reference for accepting someone at work. A person can be accepted for work in a job if he has mastered the soft skills and hard skills he had while in college. Another reason is the relatively cheaper cost of Public Universities. The cost of education in Private Universities which is difficult to reach has made people flock to prefer Public Universities to Private Universities.

But overall, both Public Universities and Private Universities have one definite equation, namely when they have graduated from the education level they are still still & always become a job applicant in a multinational or national company, both graduates with the best grades (cum laude) or graduates with modest grades. So, the best graduates are not from leading public or private tertiary institutions, but how the knowledge they can take in the lecture can be put into practice for people who are more in need.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Get to Know Spaghetti Carbonara

 Spaghetti carbonara is one of the various types of Italian food that is popular in the world, including in Indonesia. In general, people in Indonesia know spaghetti carbonara as a pasta-based menu that is drenched in super creamy sauce with chunks of smoked meat. Well, this time I will give tips on cooking my Spaghetti Carbonara, stay tune ...


3 cloves of red onion, Spaghetti Pasta, Salt, Cooking oil, Sausage or smoked beef (cut into small pieces), Butter, Garlic that has been mashed, Full cream liquid milk, Cheddar, and Pepper.

How to make:

First, boil the spaghetti paste in boiling water and add a little oil and salt to the boiling water. While the paste is boiling, melt the butter to taste and saute the garlic and red. After the garlic and red are slightly browned, add the chopped sausage or smoked beef. Stir until everything is cooked evenly. Then, pour the full cream liquid milk according to taste. When it's boiling, put the boiled spaghetti paste into the milk mixture. Wait for a moment. When it thickens a bit, add the grated cheese to taste (if you want it to be creamier, add as much of the grated cheese as possible). Stir until all of the cheese is melted and thickened. If all the ingredients have been mixed, add enough pepper. Pour into a plate, decorate according to taste. Spaghetti Carbonara is ready to be served.😁

How?? Easy right?

Here is my cooking tips are very simple and easy to make ... Wait for my next cooking tips ...

Hope you like it!!!😉😉

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Talk about strict parents

Lately, we often hear the words strict parents. Actually, what are the strict parents?

In this article, I will explain a little about strict parents and children's point of view in dealing with my version of strict parents. Check this out !!

The term Strict Parents that we often recognize is parents who have bad behavior, such as engaging in physical or verbal abuse. However, recently education for strict parents has not only occurred in acts of physical violence, but has more dominance in parents who took actions that could poison the child's psychological condition. Why do I say that? Because nowadays, many children tend to have fear and dependence on what they do. In other words, he does something out of fear of his parents, not out of consciousness or the desire of his heart. That is what makes children become depressed and suffer mental illness. As a result, children become more closed to their parents, cannot express their emotions, are not free to tell stories to their parents, and often lie. He only considers parents as people to be feared, people to be obeyed his orders.

In my opinion, as children who are facing strict parents, the strict parents who the children want are not like that. Parents should be able to make a balance about when they should be strict and when they can be permissive (give freedom) to the child. Children also want to get freedom from their parents, they don't want everything they do to always be wrong in the eyes of their parents. I am sure, every child who is facing strict parents will want to tell their own parents what they feel without having to cover it up. They really want to be open with their own parents. They want to express what they like and what they don't like. If they have problems, they can share with their parents, asking for solutions to any problems they face. They also really don't want to lie to their own parents.

From my exploration on social media, I often see children who feel pressured by their parents. He wanted to express what he didn't like, but he couldn't express it, because he was afraid that if he revealed what he didn't like, his parents would be angry. This makes the child cry without the knowledge of his own parents, withstand the pressure from his parents. If he has a problem outside his family environment, it is better for him to hide it, solve his own problem without having to ask his parents for a solution.

I agree if the strict parents's education does not harm children, because it makes children obedient to their parents. However, if it is not balanced with the existence of freedom for children, that will make children stress for a long time and make them mentally ill.


Leveraging Time in the Middle of a Pandemic

 As the corona virus pandemic continues, a lot of free time is wasted by many people. Most of them do not know what to do with activities du...